Short Story
The Climate Career Portal is supporting fossil fuel industry and Indigenous workers in urgent need of new training, job opportunities and support in transitioning their careers.
Climate Career Portal
We are helping to empower fossil fuel industry and Indigenous workers to build and implement climate solutions. These workers are often in urgent need of new training, job opportunities, and support in transitioning their careers.
We designed the Climate Career Portal to quickly and effectively meet these needs for as many workers as possible. We are currently working on an updated version of our web and app-based platform that will include include an opportunity map, a career transition pathway, a resource base camp, a jobs board, and a central hub where workers can create their personalized climate career blueprint.
Our initial goal was to support 1,000+ fossil fuel industry and Indigenous workers in developing career blueprints by September 2022. We aim to scale the portal beyond the two-year scope of this project, ultimately reaching over 50 communities and 10,000+ workers across Canada by the fall of 2023.
Please donate today and ensure fossil fuel industry and Indigenous workers can participate in a just and prosperous transition to a sustainable energy future.